
Archello – 25 best architecture firms in Canada

May 30, 2023

We are very honoured to be featured among this esteemed group of architectural firms in this list of the 25 best architecture firms in Canada, curated by Archello: PDF, Web Link

Canadian architecture is a multifaceted reflection of its vast landscape, culture and history. From the sweeping prairies of Alberta to the rugged mountains of British Columbia, the breathtaking vistas of the Great White North are home to equally splendid designs that seamlessly blend with the landscape. As opposed to its natural beauty, the metropolises of Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal boast soaring skyscrapers and innovative contemporary structures that have made a mark on the country’s-built environment. From the Gothic Revival of Parliament Hill in Ottawa to the iconic modernist designs of Toronto’s CN Tower, each structure is a concoction of diverse stories and landscapes. The following list is a selection of 25 architecture firms that have left an indelible mark on Canadian fabric.